Thank you for your work! I very much appreciate your thought and views on AI in education. As someone who tries to cut through the hype, I sometimes feel that our voices get left out of the conversations and the same people are presenting and hyping themselves up at many conferences. Keep your the great work and thank you for your shares!
Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary! I have learned so much from your work and it's helping me to advocate within my school district by providing the rationale and even language to coherently discuss this with district leaders. As you consider ways to broaden your reach, might I suggest considering keeping parent advocacy in mind. There is a rapidly rising tide of parents pushing back against edtech within the education system and any resources we can use to help us advocate locally, like your Education Hazards of Generative AI doc, are very appreciated!
Thank you so much for this comment, Jodi, you've made my day -- this is precisely what I'm hoping to achieve with this work. I'm curious where you're located and whether there's any hope in your district of sanity?
And it's eerie that you're making the (astute) push on reaching parents, I was literally just on a call with an education historian who made the same suggestion. I've been in conversation with Emily "Screentime Consultant" Cherkin and we have a webinar planned but not until May. I welcome other suggestions on how to connect with parents around AI issues.
I'm in S. California in a large district. There are maybe glimmers of hope? Perhaps it's wishful thinking. All tools are blocked except 2 programs that the district is piloting right now. Thankfully parents still have the option to opt-out their students of AI tools - a lever I might push harder on locally. Looking forward to your webinar with Emily - she's great!
Thank you for your work! I very much appreciate your thought and views on AI in education. As someone who tries to cut through the hype, I sometimes feel that our voices get left out of the conversations and the same people are presenting and hyping themselves up at many conferences. Keep your the great work and thank you for your shares!
Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary! I have learned so much from your work and it's helping me to advocate within my school district by providing the rationale and even language to coherently discuss this with district leaders. As you consider ways to broaden your reach, might I suggest considering keeping parent advocacy in mind. There is a rapidly rising tide of parents pushing back against edtech within the education system and any resources we can use to help us advocate locally, like your Education Hazards of Generative AI doc, are very appreciated!
Thank you so much for this comment, Jodi, you've made my day -- this is precisely what I'm hoping to achieve with this work. I'm curious where you're located and whether there's any hope in your district of sanity?
And it's eerie that you're making the (astute) push on reaching parents, I was literally just on a call with an education historian who made the same suggestion. I've been in conversation with Emily "Screentime Consultant" Cherkin and we have a webinar planned but not until May. I welcome other suggestions on how to connect with parents around AI issues.
Thank you again!
I'm in S. California in a large district. There are maybe glimmers of hope? Perhaps it's wishful thinking. All tools are blocked except 2 programs that the district is piloting right now. Thankfully parents still have the option to opt-out their students of AI tools - a lever I might push harder on locally. Looking forward to your webinar with Emily - she's great!